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Q: How long would my valet take to complete?

A: The valeting time not only depends on the size of the vehicle but the condition that it presents. The times for each valet are indicated

     as a guide at the scroll down on the bottom of the Services page, times may vary but we can keep you updated on the day.

Q: What products do you use?

​A: We use a variety of products from a number of quality suppliers but our main range consists of Vanquish - Pro Range, Malco, Meguiar’s,Carbrite, JewelUltra Diamondbrite and Autocaredirect. We have found that these suppliers offer some of the best products available on the market today, they are not cheap but you pay for what you get and want! We will ascertain which range are the best for your vehicle.

Q: Will the upholstery be dry?

A: Your seats should be completely dry within 2 -3 hrs depending upon the condition of your upholstery and the level of work needed.

Q: Can I book for just the inside or the outside of my car to be done?

A: Yes, we are very flexible and will accommodate your requests and will provide you with a quotation for any work wanted.

Q: What is your cancellation policy?

A: Please give us as much prior notice as possible in the event that you need to cancel your appointment. We require 24 hours notice to cancel any booking/valet. We reserve the right to take full payment if a valet is cancelled on the day without prior agreement. The full charge may apply in instances where we turn up to find the vehicle unavailable for us to carry out the service without prior notification, fuel charges will also be added or the customer has forgotten the valeting booking or is not home at the specified booking time. These policies reflect the fact that our time is valuable and your appointment may have prevented someone else from benefitting from our services. In the unlikely event that your appointment has to be delayed or cancelled by us, we will contact you as soon as possible. We will not be held liable for any consequential losses resulting from such delay or cancellation..

Q: What if it is raining or freezing on the day of my valet ?                                       

​A:Valeting can be difficult to carry out in extreme cold or rainy conditions, the temperature needs to be at least + 3 degrees. All our mobile appointments are subject to having suitable weather to work in. In the event of poor weather, we will call you before your valet time for another convenient and soon appointment to carry out your valet. We hate to cancel our bookings for us and also for our customer’s and can often work around a showery day and we do our very best to keep the booked appointment. Weather is not a problem if you have a suitable covered area, such as a double garage, cart lodge, barn or unit to work in. Alternatively you may wish to bring your car to us to valet.

Q: Can you carry out cleans on horsebox and caravan roofs?

A: We can but please note that these have limitations due to safety and best practices, please ask and we will advise.

Q: Can you restore my cars paint work?

​A: In the majority of cases the paint work of a vehicle will be greatly enhanced to a superb finish with a hand polish.

     Vehicles that have faded or flat paintwork would need to have extra attention. Faded paint work will need a full cut back using

     cutting compound and polish to revitalise it. This additional service is an extra cost on top of the valet price and if required, we would

     be happy to quote for this service.

Q: How much notice do you need to book a valet?

A: We normally require pre booking at least 24 hours before hand but we will endeavour to be with you on the same day if work load

     loads demands.

Q: What methods of payment are available?

​​A: Due to recent increasing credit card and cheque fraud we have unfortunately had to make the decision to only accept cash payments or     BACS on the day of your valet.

Q: Can you valet my car at home if I am out at work?

​​A: Yes we can, call us and we will explain how.



Frequently Asked Questions

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    Autogleam Car Valeting - Suffolk  Autogleamcarvaleting: All rights reserved 2024
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